Elan O'brien

Speaker Bio:

Elan is an energy teacher, who shares a new and different perspective. She describes the “evolution of perfection” as opposed to “How do we fix it”. She is the founder of Quantum Essences, essences that offer new models of Co-creation. The creation of these essences was the culmination of more than 15 years of work in holistic health, communion with the earth, energy healing, deep-sea diving, world travel, and work with the whales and dolphins. Quantum Essences are derived from plants hundreds of feet deep in the world’s oceans, Peruvian plants from the Amazon, and various Sacred Sites revealed to her around the planet. They offer keys to unlocking the co-creative capacity of Soul and Source at a Quantum level.

Elan is from Vancouver, Canada. She teaches workshops and classes internationally in personal and planetary evolution, grid work, and vibrational essences. She also conducts personalized sessions and retreats, and travels extensively when called by the Earth to be gifted material to formulate new essences. When working with Elan, the shifts facilitated are powerful, poignant, and profound, inciting union at the deepest level of cell and soul.

Speaker Session:

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